Tissue-resident immune cells emerge as key regulators of tissue- and tumor-microenvironments. We hypothesize here that the immunotherapy of liver metastases can be significantly improved through multilayered approaches that can harness the biology of innate immune cells, which are emerging as key regulators of tissue environments and immune responses in both healthy as well as cancerous microenvironments. To achieve this, we collaborate international experts in the biology lymphoid (Gasteiger, cPI) cells, in liver immunology (Fumagalli, PI3), and in the development of novel immunotherapeutic strategies that engage and modulate immune cells in the fight against cancer (Vivier, PI2). By combining cutting-edge single cell and spatial transcriptomics of human patient samples with cross-species analyses in advanced genetic mouse models, we aim to:
(1) Identify key interactions between immune cells with and within the microenvironment of liver metastases, to build the scientific rationale for novel innovative strategies harnessing innate immunity.
(2) Develop and validate new molecules for the TREATment of LIVer METastases.
Financial support: ERC SYNERGY HORIZON ERC Synergy Grants ERC-2023-SyG TREATLIVMETS, Co-investigator (2024-2028).