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Margaux GARDET


Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a deep desire to understand the human body and its functions, I have chosen the path of research in immunology to transform my questions into discoveries and to remain constantly in search of answers.

From my early internships, I focused on immunology, particularly the study of myeloid cells and dendritic cells. During my PhD, I had the opportunity to explore the dynamics and functions of the preDCs during HIV and SIV infections in a simian model.

In February 2023, I joined the FGLab to pursue a postdoctoral position. My primary mission is to implement and develop cutting-edge spatial biology technologies, including Merscope, Xenium, CosmX, VisiumHD, and Macsima, to conduct various studies on solid tumors in both pediatric and adult patients. These projects aim to characterize the immune mechanisms responsible for the lack of response to certain immunotherapies, with the goal of adapting therapeutic protocols. In parallel, I am leading a research project aimed at characterizing dendritic cell subpopulations within solid tumors, with the ultimate aim of developing new therapeutic targets for the future.