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I am a pediatric oncologist and researcher at Gustave Roussy, specialized in immunotherapy and childhood cancers. I obtained my medical degree in Italy, and, during my residency, I discovered my passion for pediatric oncology, which led me to move to France to work at Gustave Roussy in the Pediatric Oncology Department.

In 2019, I joined Dr. Florent Ginhoux's laboratory as a PhD student, where I developed innovative patient-derived models, including organoids and tumoroids, to study the interaction between macrophages and tumor cells. I earned my PhD in 2023 and was honored with the Young Talent Award from the French Cancer Research Foundation.

My research mainly focuses on pediatric oncology and immunology. I develop and coordinate organoid projects in Dr. Ginhoux's laboratory, focusing on brain and kidney organoids, patient-derived models, and cutting-edge cancer research. My goal is to understand the impact of macrophages on organ development and disease by exploring the complex interactions between cancer cells and their microenvironment.