I’m an early career MD-PhD student in Université de Paris Cité/Ecole de l’INSERM interested in tumor immune micro-environment and its clinical application. I started getting interested in immunology during internships in between my 2nd and 3rd medical school years in Laurence Zitvogel’s and Molly Ingersoll’s labs. I then logically interrupted my medical track to apply to a Master in Immunology in Institut Pasteur before spending 6 months in Miriam Merad’s lab, focusing on mononuclear phagocytes polarization and role in cancer. My current PhD work aims to combine various single-cell and spatial multi-omics analysis of pediatric H3K27M Diffuse Midline Glioma patient biopsies to understand the states of myeloid cells, and leverage patient-derived immune sufficient 3D models to model their heterogeneity and interactions with tumor cells.